
The Circle of Care Guidebook for Mental Health Caregivers

The National Alliance for Caregiving is pleased to present Circle of Care: A Guidebook for Mental Health Caregivers. It was developed with generous support from the Alkermes Inspiration Grant Program, to whom we are most grateful.

The Circle of Care guidebook emerged from the national study on mental health caregiving, On Pins & Needles: Caregivers of Adults with Mental Illness. This study was conducted with the assistance of the National Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health America and released in February 2016. It was the first national survey of mental health caregivers conducted in the United States: it identified numerous challenges faced by these caregivers. You can learn more about this study in the first fact sheet in this guidebook: 01: About Mental Health Caregiving.


Working in partnership with patient-advocacy and consumer-facing partners, NAC has been honored to contribute our expertise to a series of guidebooks intended to improve the caregiving experience.

Circle Of Care Report

Guidebook for Mental Health Caregivers

NAC Managing Crohns Guidebook

Guidebook for Caregivers of Children and Adolescents Managing Crohn’s Disease

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